Calcline Simply powerful math calculation for macOS in a small stripe window
Current Release
RELEASE 4.5.2 (March 5, 2024)
Requires macOS:
macOS 10.13 High Sierra or successive
Optimized for:
macOS 14 Monterey
The same User Guide that is available inside the application

On the App Store
Get from APPLE the 'App Store Version'

Calcline allows to have a powerful algebra solver, with custom size and colors, in small stripe window taking just a small portion of your Mac screen.
It offers an array of functionalities to help you work in a fast and effective way



We have also an iOS version for the iPhone and the iPad with similar features. Search on the iOS App Store for 'iCalcline'

Copyright © Roberto Panetta. All right reserved. Ecleti di Panetta Salvatore Roberto P.IVA:IT10337860968